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2024-02-27 02:06:52


A bottle had fallen down,with half of its water pouring out. To the scene,two men responded differently, one man, feeling extremely sad, his hand covering his face,sighed ”All has gone!” The other seemed much more optimistic. He ran happily toraise up the bottle and said with great gratitude ”There is still some waterleft.”

Why did the two people have such distinct reaction? It is because theyjudged the situation from opposite perspectives. After the bottle fell, thepessimistic observer focused on the losses thereby thinking negatively, whilethe other observer noticed the remaining liquid and then had a positive opinion.Actually, the fallen bottle is a symbol of unfortunate circumstances in life andthe two kinds of responses reflect two different attitudes towardsmisfortunes.

Misfortunes mean obvious losses; however , they still bring latestopportunities to people with optimistic mind. From the perspective of optimists,firing a career disaster , will be a reminder of the necessity for an urgentimprovement in their personality or expensive sensing the signal for change,those optimists will strive to achieve personal growth, the growth whichprovides a guarantee to healthier career development in the future. Misfortunesare blessings in disguise and optimism can unlock the cover. Therefore, in theface of misfortunes people should adopt an optimistic attitude.

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