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2023-08-28 08:52:52



I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in Facebook, in texting or cell phones in general. And so while other kids were BBM-ing their parents, I was literally waiting by the mailbox to get a letter from home to see how the weekend had gone, which was a little frustrating when Grandma was in the hospital, but I was just looking for some sort of scribble, some unkempt cursive from my mother.

And so when I moved to New York City after college and got completely sucker-punched in the face by depression, I did the only thing I could think of at the time. I wrote those same kinds of letters that my mother had written me for strangers, and tucked them all throughout the city, dozens and dozens of them. I left them everywhere, in cafes and in libraries, at the U.N., everywhere. I blogged about those letters and the days when they were necessary, and I posed a kind of crazy promise to the Internet: that if you asked me for a hand-written letter, I would write you one, no questions asked. Overnight, my inbox morphed into this harbor of heartbreak -- a single mother in Sacramento, a girl being bullied in rural Kansas, all asking me, a 22-year-old girl who barely even knew her own coffee order, to write them a love letter and give them a reason to wait by the mailbox.

Well, today I fuel a global organization that is fueled by those trips to the mailbox, fueled by the ways in which we can harness social media like never before to write and mail strangers letters when they need them most, but most of all, fueled by crates of mail like this one, my trusty mail crate, filled with the scriptings of ordinary people, strangers writing letters to other strangers not because theyre ever going to meet and laugh over a cup of coffee, but because they have found one another by way of letter-writing.

But, you know, the thing that always gets me about these letters is that most of them have been written by people that have never known themselves loved on a piece of paper. They could not tell you about the ink of their own love letters. Theyre the ones from my generation, the ones of us that have grown up into a world where everything is paperless, and where some of our best conversations have happened upon a screen. We have learned to diary our pain onto Facebook, and we speak swiftly in 140 characters or less.

But what if its not about efficiency this time? I was on the subway yesterday with this mail crate, which is a conversation starter, let me tell you. If you ever need one, just carry one of these. (Laughter) And a man just stared at me, and he was like, "Well, why dont you use the Internet?" And I thought, "Well, sir, I am not a strategist, nor am I specialist. I am merely a storyteller." And so I could tell you about a woman whose husband has just come home from Afghanistan, and she is having a hard time unearthing this thing called conversation, and so she tucks love letters throughout the house as a way to say, "Come back to me. Find me when you can." Or a girl who decides that she is going to leave love letters around her campus in Dubuque, Iowa, only to find her efforts ripple-effected the next day when she walks out onto the quad and finds love letters hanging from the trees, tucked in the bushes and the benches. Or the man who decides that he is going to take his life, uses Facebook as a way to say goodbye to friends and family. Well, tonight he sleeps safely with a stack of letters just like this one tucked beneath his pillow, scripted by strangers who were there for him when.

These are the kinds of stories that convinced me that letter-writing will never again need to flip back her hair and talk about efficiency, because she is an art form now, all the parts of her, the signing, the scripting, the mailing, the doodles in the margins. The mere fact that somebody would even just sit down, pull out a piece of paper and think about someone the whole way through, with an intention that is so much harder to unearth when the browser is up and the iPhone is pinging and weve got six conversations rolling in at once, that is an art form that does not fall down to the Goliath of "get faster," no matter how many social networks we might join. We still clutch close these letters to our chest, to the words that speak louder than loud, when we turn pages into palettes to say the things that we have needed to say, the words that we have needed to write, to sisters and brothers and even to strangers, for far too long. Thank you. (Applause) (Applause)


At present, with the improvement of people's living standard, more and more people go out to travel. However, while tourists enjoy the beautiful scenery, they also destroy it. There are many uncivilized behaviors, such as spitting, littering, and scribbling on walls and so on.

Whether these behaviors are intentional or not, they have had a harmful influence on our cities, even on our country. For one thing, visitors would not be willing to come to the spot again owing to others' uncivil deeds, which is a strike to the development of the local tourism. For another, some uncivil phenomena directly lead to the damage to scenic spots that are of great value.

To sum up, uncivilized behaviors have influenced a lot on the images of our cities and our country. Therefore, we need to take some actions to stop those uncivilized behaviors. The cities where we are living are our homes so that everybody should shoulder the responsibility to be civilized.













Even a thousand words, but also less impressive than the impression of a fact

Show the circus elephant, are small start training. When the baby is very naughty, fun and big, so with a rope tied to the stake because the elephant, elephant boy, after numerous trials are unable to stake out, after a long time, as long as the elephant in the the stake, like knowing that they can't break free, it is made of.

Elephant grew up to become an elephant, the circus can do a lot of performances. The elephant is infinite, you can move a lot of things, but after the show, but very law-abiding was tied to the stake

The strength of the elephant is actually very large, but it is because of the experience of young people, that the strength of the pile is bigger than their own, is the only thing that can hold their own, so that it did not dare to move the pile

Life sentiment:

In fact, the elephant is bound by their previous ideas, do not understand their own has been a great change, and therefore give up the idea of moving the stake

The stakes are like obstacles that hinder the individual's ability to play the light; it may not be the visible resistance, but the nameless fear produced by the individual's past experiences


一、 活动主题:


二、 活动主旨:


三、 活动安排:


地点: 江西生物科技职业学院 c302


参与社团:江西生物科技职业学院 江西服装学院 南昌航空科技职业学院


四、 活动流程:

1. 开场秀:串烧舞表演(限5分钟内)

2. 主持人开场

1) 介绍参与社团,由社团代表人发言,打出社团口号

2) 介绍嘉宾和赞助商,致开场欢迎词,调动气氛

3) 介绍比赛评分细则。

3. 请评委老师代表上台宣誓;宣誓后开始比赛。

4. 比赛大约每隔4~6人中场休息,由三个学院提供节目,三个节目在30分钟内

5. 最后一个人演讲完后,由参与本次演讲的负责人上台唱《a little love》。

6. 唱完歌后颁奖。

7. 演讲结束后,做好离场安排,清理晚会垃圾,保持会场洁净。

五、 活动要求:

1. 参赛选手在5:00抽签,在5:30之后未抽签视为放弃。

2. 上台开始比赛时先用一分钟时间自我介绍,演讲时间不能超过三分钟

3. 选手衣着整洁讲究礼仪不得使用不当的语言

4. 题目自拟,题材不限,内容要健康积极向上。

5. 选出一等奖一名,二等奖两名,三等奖三名。

6. 每个社团最少有三个或五个人参加,自备9份演讲稿(电子稿),并交于英语协会。

六、 比赛评分细则:

1. 形象气质分。满分 1 分

2. 内容新颖,语音标准,口齿清晰,语气正确,无明显发音错误。满分2 分

3. 善于正确运用面部表情手势和姿态能吸引观众。满分3 分

4. 能正确回答老师的问题。满分 3分

5. 时间控制演讲未超,属正常范围,演讲时间3分钟。满分1分




To be a polite middle-school-student,well have to do a lot of things. First,we cant throw rubbish everywhere. We must throw them in the rubbish bins. Littering is not a good habit. Second, we shall speak politely. We shall respect the others. Third, behave well. We should be kind to others, warm-hearted to everyone, and generous to our friends.Thats some tips for you to be a polite middle-school-student.


推荐专题: 好的英语演讲稿主题

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