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2023-02-11 00:14:14



feeling of youth

no young man believes he shall ever die. it was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. there is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. to be young is to be as one of the immortal gods. one half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countletreasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. we make the coming age our own-

the vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.

death. old age. are words without a meaning. that paby us like the idea air which we regard not. others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-

bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

and see no end to the landscape, new objects presenting themselves as we advance; so, in the commencement of life, we set no bounds to our inclinations. nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them. we have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag; and it seems that we can go on so forever. we look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseleprogress; and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave. it is the simplicity, and as it were abstractedneof our feelings in youth, that (so to speak) identifies us with nature, and (our experience being slight and our passions strong) deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it. our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. as infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects prearound us, filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them, so that we have no room for the thoughts of death.



上午好,老师和同学们,很高兴在这里进行我们的演讲。我们的主题是关于美国职业篮球联盟(nba)。下面开始我的报告 good morning everyone!it’s nice to be here for our speech。our subject talks about national basketball association ,which is short for nba.then let me start my report.? our report contains six parts: ? 1 the founding and development history of nba;? 2 the management of nba;? 3 nba teams;? 4 the all star weekend;? 5 the legendary star of nba;? 6 the cheerleader nba成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫baa,即全美篮球协会,是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的,成立baa的初衷是为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间不至于空闲冷场,但是实际上背后真正的商业理由是:当时二战刚刚结束,人们需要从紧张的气氛中解脱出来,体育和娱乐正是人们的消费热点,当然也是投资热点,因此,联盟的成立的目的不光说是一项竞赛,当然还是投资一档生意。发展:1.1946年6月6日,成立时叫baa,即全美篮球协会 ,11支球队;2,1949年,美国两大篮球组织baa和nbl合并为“nba” ,17支球队;3.1976年,吞并 aba ,22支球队;4.2004年,夏洛特山猫队加入,球队达到30支。nba之所以成为现在篮球领域的第一大联盟,和它成功的商业战略是分不开的。寻找合作伙伴,造星运动,产品外延,全球化推广等是他们常用的战略 联盟的组织管理制度,主要在联盟和俱乐部之间进行,他们之间互相有金钱联系。联盟的收入包括:转播费,联盟标志产品销售,联盟衍生产品开发,全球推广活动,俱乐部的收入则由球衣等纪念品销售,球衣广告,场内广告,球票销售等 the alliance has a set of organization and management system,which has money contact with the clubs.第二部分


this is an nba team geographical distribution, a total of 30 teams, they are located in the united states in addition to the toronto raptors in canada.30 teams are divided into two parts, east and west , each division has 15 teams.there are some teams well-known to us such as the los angeles lakers and the houston rockets belong to a western conference, and the boston celtics and the miami heat belong to the eastern conference.nba赛程主要包括常规赛、季后赛和总决赛。我们前面说过,nba共有东西两个半区,每个半区又分为3个赛区。同一赛区的5支球队每两支球队相互要打4场比赛,分为两个主场和两个客场。同一半区的两支球队要打3~4场比赛,这由nba总部视比赛的看点来决定。不同半区的两支球队打两场比赛,分别是一个主场和一个客场。在整个常规赛开赛之前,为便于磨合球队,nba会安排一些热身赛,被称为季前赛,他的成绩不计入球队常规赛季的成绩。在常规赛之后,东西部各3个赛区的第1名和常规赛成绩较好的其他5支球队分别进行季后赛,季后赛采用7战4胜制,直到决出东西部冠军,最后再由东西部冠军进行总决赛。nba schedule includes regular season, playoffs and finals.as we know,nba has 2.5 district, each half of the district is divided into 3 division.one division of 5 teams in each of the two teams will play 4 games each other, two home and two away.two teams in half of the district will beat 3 to 4 games, the order of games decided by nba headquarters according to the point.different half area of the two teams will play two games, one home and one away game.in the regular season before starting, in order to facilitate the running team, nba will arrange some warm-up match, it is known as the preseason, its grades are not included in the regular season.after the regular season,the first of three divisions from east and west play for the playoffs along with other five teams recording well.the playoffs adopt to four out of seven innings until eastern champion and western champion, and finally to the championship finals.这个是去年的nba季后赛对阵图

1950年秋,nba刚刚创办的第4年,为了挽救开始走下坡路的球市。nba首任主席莫里斯-波多洛夫、波士顿凯尔特人队的总裁沃尔特-布朗商定在赛季进行至一半时,从东区和西区选出最优秀的球员进行一次对抗赛。1951年3月2日,在波士顿花园体育馆,举办了首届全明星赛。2011年2月21日,在洛杉矶快船队和洛杉矶湖人队共同的主场球馆举行了nba历史上第60届全明星盛会。“当全明星周末”,为期3天,其中包括“全明星赛”、“新秀全明星挑战赛”、“扣篮大赛”、“三分球远投大赛” in the fall of 1950, the nba had just started four years.the first chairman of nba maurice podoloff agreed walter brown(the president of the boston celtics)to choose the best players for a duel from the east and west teams after passing half season in order to prevent the market from declining.on march 2, 1951, nba held the all-star game in boston garden stadium, for the first time.on february 21, 2011(last thyear), nba held the event in the history of the nba all-star for the 60 第二部分 the past four parts have been introduced by my partner.now, let me bring the last parts for you.my speech was divided into two parts: nba star and the nba draft system.现在我们开始吧。nba球星。nba拥有一大批才华横溢的球员。我们只是介绍其中的几位。now lets begin.nba star.nba has a large number of talented players.we just introduced a few of them.第一位,让我们来看一下,迈克尔.乔丹,一个几乎所有爱好篮球的人都知道的人。他于1984年第1轮第3顺位被芝加哥公牛选中。the first one, lets take a look at michael jordan, a man of whom almostly was known by all basketball lovers.in 1984 ,he was selected by chicago bulls in the third order of the first round.第二位,姚明,我们都很熟悉的,他是中国篮球的标志和骄傲。2002年6月,以状元的身份加入休斯顿火箭队,他被称为移动长城。受困于伤病,2011年7月20日,姚明在新闻发布会上正式宣布退役。the second , yao ming, we are familiar with him, he is the sign and pride of chinese basketball.in june 2002, joined in the houston rockets in the first order, he was known as the movement of the great wall.under siege by injuries.on july 20, 2011, yao officially announced his retirement in the press conference.第三位,科比.布莱恩特,他是nba现役得分王。1996年他加入洛杉矶湖人队,至今为止,他拿过五个nba总冠军。third, kobe bryant, he is the scoring champion of nba in the active service.in 1996 he joined in the los angeles lakers, so far, he has taken five nba championship.第四位,来自迈阿密热火队的勒布朗.詹姆斯,他于2003年加入nba,他的成就不在现在,而在将来。kobe bryant, some people don’t like his style of playing games.but they can’t deny that he is the most popular player in nba.once he had trouble in his personal affairs, we know that he was accused of a rapist.and for a time he was notorious.but he responded those voices in his action.no doubt that he is a talented player, his father was also a basketball player, and he grew up in a rich family, inheriting his father’s height.as a basketball player, he is also very lucky.he joined in los angles lakers, a great team.and in his fifth season, he got the nba champion ring, because at that time, shark o’nial was in his golden time, and kobe was not the most important player in the team.after shark left lakers, he was alone in the team, and he couldn’t help his team achieve good grades.but it was in those seasons that make his personal statistic very surprise.he got 82 points in a game which is the second highest scores in nba history.the highest is 100 points which was created by chamberlain in 1962.i remember before that game, lakers had lost 4 games in a row, and he was criticized by the los angle media, and at that time, kobe didn’t defend for himself, he chose silences.and his teammates once said, when kobe was silent, you know something篇二:篮球英语演讲 1.篮球运动:basketball;cage;hoops 2.中国篮球联赛:cba(chinese basketball association)3.中国大学生篮球联赛:cuba(chinese university basketball association)4.美国篮球联赛:nba(national basketball association)5.东部联盟:eastern conference 6.西部联盟:western conference 7.常规赛:regular season 8.季后赛:playoffs;postseason games---preseason games play-off hunt 季候夺冠赛

9.客场赛: road game 10.小篮球运动:biddy basketball;minibasketball 人员 10.篮球运动员:basketballer;basketball player;cager;cagerette(女);hoopster 11.篮球队:basketball team;five;quintet 12.“梦之队”:dream team 13.最有价值的球员:most valuable player(mvp)14.后卫:guard;backcourt man 15.组织后卫:point guard;1 guard 16.攻击后卫:shooting guard;2 guard 17.组织进攻的后卫:offensive guard 18.前锋:forward;cornerman;advanced guard 19.中锋:center;5 player 20.内中锋;内策应队员:inside[low;deep] post 21.内线队员:inside man 22.外中锋外策应队员:outside [high]post 23.固定中锋:set post 24.边锋:wing(er)25.左前锋:left forward 26.右前锋:right forward 27.小前锋:small forward;3 player 28.大前锋:power forward;big man;4 player 29.靠边线的队员:wingman 30.靠底线的队员:baseman 31.有球队员:player with the ball 32.无球队员:player without the ball;no ball man 33.第六人;头号替补:sixth man 34.跟踪对方主力的队员:chaser 35.能打不同位置的队员:swingman 36.光顾自己多投篮的队员:gunner;chucker;pump 37.特别高大的队员:giant;giantess(女)38.新秀:rookie 39.选秀:draft 40.获选新秀:draft pick 41.状元秀:pick no.1 42.主裁判:referee;chief official 43.副裁判:umpire 44.前场裁判员:lead official 45.后场裁判员:trail official 46.计时员和记录员:table officials 规则

47.跳球:jump ball;tap-[tip-]off 48.中圈跳球:center-jump[-tap] 49.抛球:toss 50.中圈抛球:center toss 51.死球:dead ball 52.活球:live ball 53.控球权:possession of the ball 54.使球进入比赛状态(开始计时):put the ball into play 55.实际比赛时间:actual playing time 56.裁判员的暂停:officials time-out;referee time 57.界内:in bounds 58.界外:out of bounds 59.掷界外球:throw in;inbound;inbounds pass 60.掷边线球:sideline throw 61.争球:held [tie]ball 62.“投中有效!”:basket counts!63.“投中无效!”:no goal!64.3秒钟规则:3-second rule 65.5秒钟规则:5-second rule 66.10秒钟规则:10-second rule 67.24秒钟规则:24-second rule 68.带球跑;持球移动:carry;palm the ball 69.两次运球:double[broken]dribble;double 70.超过时间:overtime 71.3秒违例:3-second violation 72.走步违例:traveling;walking;steps 73.踢球违例:kicking 74.踩线:touch[step on] the line 75.干扰球:basket interference;goaltending 76.失误(因错误、违例等而失去控球权):turnover 77.无球犯规:away-from-play foul 78.争抢球犯规:loose ball foul 79.打人犯规:striking 80.打手犯规:hacking 81.以肘顶人犯规:elbowing 82.击打球犯规:punching foul 83.拉腿犯规(对方在空中时):undermine;submarine;low bridge 84.撞人犯规:charging 85.带球撞人:charging with the ball 86.阻挡犯规:blocking foul 87.拉人犯规:holding;grabbing 88.身体堵截犯规(阻挡对方切入):body-checking 89.推人犯规:pushing 90.推拉犯规:(hand)checking 91.双方犯规:double foul 92.多人犯规:multiple foul 93.全队犯规:team foul 94.犯规达到限定次数被罚下场:foul out 95.罚球:free throw;penalty [foul;charity] shot 96.执行罚球:execute a free throw 97.追加罚球:bonus one[free-throw];one-and[-plus]-one 98.追加罚球规则:three-for-two rule 99.罚中:convert a free throw 100.罚球失误:missed free throw 传接球

101.传球:pass 102.长传:long pass 103.穿过全场的传球:coast-to-coast [court-length;full-court] pass 104.短传:close [short;flip] pass 105.横传球:cross [lateral] pass 106.三角传球:triangle [delta] pass 107.回传球:return pass 108.身后传球:behind-[around-]the-body pass 109.向后传球:back pass 110.留给后面的同伴:drop pass 111.胸前传球:chest [push] pass 112.头上传球:overhead pass篇三:篮球文化及nba英文简介——讲稿 in early december 1891, dr.james naismith,a physical education professor of springfield college ,was trying to keep his gym class active in a rainy day.he found a vigorous indoor game to keep his students taking some excises during the long winter in new england.this game is now known as basketball.when we talk about basketball ,boston must be mentioned.boston, the capital and largest city of massachusetts , also the largest in new england.the city is located in the northeastern atlantic coast, was founded in 1630, the nations oldest and one of the most cultural value of the city.and the its team, boston celtics, also has a long history.in 1946, 11 ice hockey big boss discussed to set up a new basketball league, called baa.the celtics is one of the first 11 teams.because there are many irish immigrants in boston, most of which are celtic, so the team is called celtics.this is the logo of celtics:shamrock is sign and symbol of irish and celtic,having some religious significance.this building is their home court named td bank north garden.the boys of the boston celtics is always the tough guys.as the words in their dressing room ,what hurts more,the pain of hard work or the pain of regret.because of that,the team alway made miracles and it’s never short of legends in the history of celtics.celtics have won 17 nba championship, which are the most in nba.during the 1959-to-1966 ,celtics dominate the nba championship,which is the longest consecutive championship.on june 17, 2008, the boston celtics won their 17th championship, beating the los angles lakers 4–2 in the 2008 nba finals.and those are the heroes of boston in the history.in addition to these, we have to talk about the huge sport business market in new york, it is well known that new york is the largest city in the united states, known as the center of the world, for many nba players,of course, this is a huge, inviting stage, every player wants to prove himself to the world through the big apple city, when you ask them, what do you think of new york, they may say, oh, my god, i want to play ball there and i will get my name.(win reputation)knicks isn’t a strong team in history,but it is absolutely a star-studded team,patrick ewing,allan houston carmelo anthony,the new york fans are the most critical in the league ,although playing in new york is full of opportunities,you will also bear great pressure at the same time jordan led the chicago bulls to get six nba championship, created their own basketball dynasty.makes the chicago bulls became the most famous team of nba.so after the retirement of the greatest athlete,people made a bronze statue in front of united center in memory of micheal jordan.i think aj not only change the basketball ,but also change the world!this is my talk ,thank you for watching!篇四:中国篮球行 演讲稿

中国篮球行 演讲稿


今天来到这里的目的很明确 中国篮球行

准确的说是 5个高三毕业生的中国篮球之行 在座的有我们5个的家长 和 我的队员们

做出这个企划案 目的是为了 让在座各位心里有底 明白我带各位做的这件事是靠谱的 有实际意义的

好吧 开始第一个主题

梦想 关乎字义 百度百科给出这样的解释 梦:睡眠时身体内外各种刺激或残留在大脑里的外界刺激引起的景象活动 想:内心活动所产生的欲望 梦想:意指梦中怀想、理想等。

结合以上说法 梦想 也就是不切实际 空空幻想 想必 在座各位都有梦想或都有过梦想。曾经各位家长你们追逐 引以为傲的梦想如今实现了吗 ? 如今回想是否觉得可笑 或是 惋惜的。

大部分可能因为各种各样的问题出现而终止[1] 甚至是忘却了 曾经的梦。

梦想,让宇宙的呈现充满了力量与可能性,人类因梦想而获得更高目的的存在 而现在 你们身边的我们 正是可以不惜一切 为了我们的梦想放手一搏的年纪 即使被打击 还有背后的你们撑住我们。所有我们必然也是必须抓住这个机会。

记得语文来上课的时候 谈到 梦想这个词 老师说 你们小时候 都梦想 考北大 啊 清华啊 现在 你们高三了 有途径 可以去上北大清华了 当时 下面 很多人都在笑 说这怎么可能 开什么玩笑 说真的 我当时 不知道为什么 有些难受 我心里想如果老师这句话是在 16班或17班说(也就是1中的零班)下面的学生绝对不会笑 因为这本就是他们的目标 所有我最讨厌别人说不可能。

在实力的面前 任何的不可能都 是 能 在实力的面前 任何的梦想 都是 目标。ps:特大声的说

所以我认为 这个时候 是我们把梦想变为理想

把理想变为现实 的 最佳机会!企划

我们先会开始 一个15-20 天的训练计划 大致是 每天早上4点一中篮球场集训 天亮 回家 休息

大概也就是 二个半小时


晚上呢 会到 昌河灯光球场打比赛 因为昌河都是大人打球 我们需要一定的对抗 第二天 早上4点不会变


下午 健身房力量训练


第三天 早上4点不变

下午3点 陶院打球 其他时间休息

第四天 早上4点仍然不变(我认为这是对我队员的磨练 毕竟这不是旅游 而是修行 我是这

样认为的)晚上 晚饭后 健身房

往后以4天轮回 虽然艰苦 但绝对是磨练 坚持下来对每个人的实力绝对提升 详细计划我会和队员商讨



图上 也就是我们的 行程

(下城区体育场)江苏南京6天 广东 广州(天河)3天 浙江杭州行程估计是 一个半月完成 这不是旅游

为了的让大家 接触更高阶层 拥有更大的眼界篇五:英语演讲nba 《你究竟有多想成功》 there was a young man who you know he wanted to make a lot of money and so he went to this guru, right? he told the guru “you know i wanna be on the same level you on”.and the guru said “if you wanna be on the same level i’m on, i’ll meet you tomorrow at the beach.” so the young man got there at 4am, he all ready to rock n roll, got on a suit.should a wore shorts.the old man grabs his hand he says “how bad do you wanna be successful?” he said “real bad” he said “walk on out into the water”.so he walks out into the water.watch this.when he walks out into the water it goes waist de he’s thinkin’, “i wanna make money, he’s got me out here swimming.i don’t want to be a life guard, i want to make money.” i do not know how many of you all have asthma in here today, but have you ever had an attack before, you are short of breathe, you’re weezy, and the only thing you’re trying to do is get some air.you do not care about no basketball game!you don’t care about what’s on tv.you don’t care about anybody calling you.you don’t care about a party.the only thing you care about when u trying to breathe is getting some fresh air, that’s it!when you get to the point where all you wanna like to be is successful as bad as you would want to breathe, then you will be successful!i’m here to tell you that the no.1 the most of you say you want to be successful but you don’t want it bad , you just kind of want it.you don’t want it badder than you would like to party, you don’t want it as much as you wanna be cool, most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep!some of you love sleep more than you love success.and i’m here to tell you that if you’re going to be successful you’ve got to be willing to give up sleep.you got to be willing to work of three hours, two hours.if you really want to be successful somedays you’re going to have to stay up for three days in a row!because if you go to sleep you might miss the opportunity to be successful.that’s how bad you have to want it.you got the days wanna?listen to me, you gotta want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat.beyonce said once she was on the set, doing her thing.three days has gone by, she forgot she didnt eat, cause she was engaged.i never forgot when 50 cent was doing his movie? did a little research, 50 cent that when he wasn’t doing his movie, he was doing his.and they said, “when do you sleep 50!?” “sleep?!”, he said, “sleep?!sleep is for those people who are broke.i don’t sleep.i got an opportunity to make a dream a reality.” you won’t be successful until you say “i don’t need that money cause i got it in here!” 有一个年轻人,他想赚很多钱,所以他去了大师,对吧?他告诉大师”你知道我要在同一水平上你”。与上师说:“如果你想成为我在同一水平上,明天我将在海滩上见你。”于是年轻人在凌晨四点钟到达那里,他准备摇滚,上了一套应穿着短裤。老人抓住他的手,他说:“你有多想成功?“他说,”真正的坏的”他说“走到水”。于是他走到水。看这个。当他走下水去腰-他想,“我想赚钱,他让我在这里游泳。我不想成为一个救生员,我要赚钱。”他有意义,所以他说:“来远一点”他走远一点到就在这个地区肩部的权利。所以这老人疯了,他把钱但他疯了。他说,“来远一点”,他走远一点,这是在他的嘴。他说“我要离开这里这家伙离开他的心”。因此,老人说:“我以为你想成功吗?”他说“我做”他说“走远一点”他,把他的头,把他放下,抱着他,他像抓。按住他,他举行了他,就在他要晕倒了,扶他起来。他说:“我有个问题想问你,他告诉他。他说:“当你想成功,你要呼吸一样糟糕,你会成功的。”我不知道有多少你今天在这里的哮喘,但你有哮喘发作之前,你短的呼吸,你赚,你唯一要做的就是试图得到一些空气。你没有不在乎篮球比赛!你不关心的电视节目是什么。你不关心任何人打电话给你。你不在乎一方。你在意的只是在呼吸的时候,呼吸新鲜空气,就是这样!当你达到你想要成功一样糟糕,你会想呼吸,然 后你会成功的!我来告诉你,第一大部分你说你想获得成功,但是你不希望它坏,你只是希望它。你不想让它更比你想的人,你不想要它,就像你想酷,你最不希望的成功就像你想睡觉!你们中的一些人爱睡的比你爱的成功。我在这里告诉你,如果你想成功,你必须愿意放弃睡眠。你必须愿意工作三个小时,两个小时。如果你真的想成功,有时你必须要保持连续三天!因为如果你去睡觉,你会错过成功的机会。这是你必须要多么糟糕。你有一天想?听我说,你要想成功,那么坏,你忘了吃。碧昂丝说,她曾是一套,做她自己的事情。三天过去了,她忘记了她没有吃,因为她已经订婚了。“我永远不会忘记当50分做他的电影吗?做一点研究,50分,当他不做他的电影,他正在做他的配乐。他们说,“当你睡眠50!?”“睡了吗?!”,他说,“睡觉?!睡眠是那些坏了。我不睡觉。我得到了一个实现梦想的机会。“不要哭着跑开。你已经在痛苦中,你已经伤害了,从中得到回报!不要去睡觉,直到你取得成功。听我说,我今天告诉你可以来这里,你可以跳起来,你能做什么?你可以兴奋当我们放弃金钱。




自去年以来,洋浦开发区随着海南炼化、金海浆纸等特大型企业的建设和投产,标志着又迎来了新一轮开发建设热潮,大家正在为区内的开发建设辛勤耕耘,无私奉献。今晚,来自全区各条战线的200多名同志组成17个代表队,其中男队有14支,分别是: 管理局机关联队、教育联队、公安联队、司法联队、干冲社会联队、新英湾社会联队、新都社会联队、工商税务联队、金融联队、消防局队、海关队、海军队、边检站队、港务公司队;女队有3支,分别是:管理局机关联队、教育联队、公检法联队。他们利用休息时间,将为增进友谊而聚会,为夺取佳绩而拼搏。我们期待在本次盛会中涌现出一大批球技精湛、德行高尚的球队和球员。

本次男、女篮球比赛,是我区庆祝建国56周年的一次盛会,也是对我区广大干部职工身体素质和精神风貌的一次检阅, 对全体运动员、教练员球技水平、竞技才能、心理承受能力等综合素质的考验,更是一次展示各参赛单位群体意识、竞争意识、团队精神、顽强拼搏精神的盛会。我们相信,通过本次比赛,必将进一步推动我区全民健身运动的开展,必将进一步推动我区两个文明建设持续、健康、和谐地发展。




















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